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Ticonderoga Pencil

Dixon Ticonderoga pencils are developed by Dixon Ticonderoga, and their headquarters is in Heathrow, Florida. The company that manufactures this product is Dixon Ticonderoga. The manufacturers are located in Italy, France, Asia, Latin America and Germany. These manufactures have good business practices, because in Beijing, the workers get three months of paid maternity leave and at least 16 days of vacation a year. The distribution centers are located in Italy, France, Asia, Latin America and Germany. The retail stores are all over the world. The company does not have a sustainability mission, but they do have recycled tire pencils.


The materials used to make the Ticonderoga pencils are cedar wood, graphite, clay binder, and rubber. The cedar wood comes from sustained growth forest in Southern Thailand. The graphite is mined in Massachusetts. The  rubber comes from rubber trees in China. This material is not sustainable. The wood, even coming from sustained growth forest, would not be sustainable, because the trees would not grow fast enough for the amount of pencils being made. Same with the rubber trees. As for the graphite, there is only a certain amount in the world, and there are 1.5 billion pencils being produced annually. The pencil would even make trash, when it is thrown away, but at least the wood would be recycled.

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